Makeup Artist skills that help you succeed

Today, as I worked on updating my goals for the next six months, I thought about my career and how it has evolved. With so much going on today, especially with a pandemic that continues, knowing that you have not only the ability to apply makeup but also a skill set and foundation that will set you apart is what you need to succeed as an artist.  In this post, I have detailed important skills and traits that will help makeup artists get booked and working.

  1. Apply makeup. Seems like this wouldn’t be on the list, but here is why it’s important. The ability to put makeup on someone is very different than the skill to apply makeup properly. Can you confidently apply makeup with calm and confidence? What is your technique when applying eyeliner, mascara or lip color? Re-visit your makeup application skills and work on those areas where you are weak. Practice is how you improve.
  2. Match foundation. In order to match foundation properly, you have to understand undertones and color mixing. Most people cannot be matched straight out of a bottle or container of foundation. Many times it needs to be mixed or adjusted in order to look more like the client’s skin.
  3. Color theory. Makeup artists need to understand color. The ability to understand color and the effects of color are important qualities for any artist. In addition, as a makeup artist, you need to know how to mix and make color. There will be times when you need a certain lipstick, foundation shade or other colors that are not in your kit. By using existing colors to mix and/or a flash palette, you can create the color with ease.
  4. Creativity. As an artist, having an imagination is key. Concepts and ideas are formulated as a result of things imagined. Makeup artist have to be prepared to participate in offering suggestions to bring conceptual ideas to life. Makeup artists should have the ability to find inspiration from many mediums that can ignite ideas and excite the creative process.
  5. Friendly. No one wants to sit in the chair of someone who is not friendly or happy. Being friendly calms the mood and the people in your presence. Being friendly is a quality that can help you get re-booked over a artist more skilled and less friendly.
  6. Team Player. As a makeup artist you are part of a team of other artists and creatives all hired to do a job. You need to be able to work well with others and do your job well with professionalism.
  7. Communicate well. Makeup artists, you’ve got to be able to communicate in manner that is profession, clear and confident regardless if it is in person, on the phone, by email or text. Communication also should be extended to how you present yourself on social media and in your marketing materials.
  8. Detail oriented. Makeup artists, every detail of the process is important. The understanding of the look to be executed. Applying makeup to fit the concept. The ability to solve problems before and as they may arise. And knowing how and when to make necessary changes that will benefit the client and the team.
  9. Time management. The ability to manage your time is critical. As a makeup artist you need to be able to estimate the amount of time you need to do your work and have the ability to adjust under pressure. Time management also extends to arriving to the job early and not leaving without approval from the producer, director or project manager.
  10. Business management. You are not just a makeup artist, you are a business. How you conduct and manage your business defines how people will decide to work with you. Do you speak well? Do you ask the right questions? Do you follow up in a timely manner? Is your deal memo filled out correctly? Did you invoice properly? Do you have a system in place for follow-through. Are your marketing strategies professional? These are just a few of the questions you want to ask yourself about how you manage your business.
  11. Marketing skills. Your marketing skills begin when announce that you are a makeup artist. What does that look like? Do you have a professional website? What do your social media channels say about you? How do you connect with people? How are you finding work? These are important questions to answer about your marketing. As a makeup artist you need to market yourself and your services to get noticed.
  12. Makeup education. Knowing the history of makeup and artists who paved the way are qualities of a professional artist because this information can give you a key point of reference when preparing for a job. Continuing education to learn new skills and techniques keep you relevant. Education is key in any profession.

I hope that these skills and traits are helpful as you launch and grow your makeup artistry career and business. If there is a trait or skill that you feel should be included, please let me know in the comments below. I would also love to know what areas of your business you are currently working on.

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